
Eric Thomas’s- “I Do, Now What Do I Do?” Event

One of my favorite things in the world is to attend motivational events. I love the excitement I have in the morning when I wake up knowing that the day will be filled with inspiration, great speakers, and valuable knowledge gained.

That is why when I heard Eric Thomas, also known as The Hip Hop Preacher, was coming to Houston I knew I had to go. It wasn’t his typical motivational events. The event was called “I do, Now What Do I do?” The event was geared towards not only married couples but anyone in a relationship.

Here’s a short clip of my boyfriend, David and I sharing a few insights of what we learned from the event. We also met such a cute young couple at the event and I asked them if they could also share their thoughts and I included that clip as well.

Hope you all enjoy!


Wishing you love, success, and a lifetime of bliss!

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