A few days ago I was at Barnes and Noble (one of my favorite places ;)) and I picked up the book “52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life by Andrea Owen. As I was scheming through the book one particular chapter caught my eye. The title of it was, Listen to your Gut-Not just the stuff you want to hear. This is something I have always found fascinating. For as long as I can remember my intuition, my gut, that small voice inside of me has played a major role in my life and has really helped me in decision-making.
Think back on a time that maybe you were facing a certain decision and that small voice inside of you was telling you one thing but for whatever reason, you chose to ignore it. Or think of the opposite, the many times you did listen to your intuition and you’re so glad you did because the results were positive.
Today I wanted to share with you a few ideas shared by Andrea on what intuition might look like:
- Listening to your “aha” feelings even if they make no sense and don’t necessary fit the picture on how you think things should be.
- Paying attention to your body’s signals and then staying away from people who suck the energy from you.
- Listening to the good kind of goosebumps as a sign to say “hell yes!” when you’re making a decision about something.
- Taking action on the things that move and inspire you rather than only making decisions that seem logical on paper.
Remember to spend some quiet time alone just you and your thoughts. Think about it, when was the last time you were somewhere by yourself, not on your phone, alone, in complete silence? Doing this can be powerful. It can help you get clear on perhaps a certain decision you have to make.
Our intuition is there for a reason! It’s there to guide us. The first thing we must do is to sit still and actually listen to where it is guiding us too.
Can you recall the last time you felt a hunch about something and you went with it? What was the outcome? What are your thoughts on intuition? Share in the comments down below! <3
“All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side.” ~Louise Hay
Wishing You love, happiness, and a lifetime of bliss!
i definitely feel like i should pay more attention to my gut. as a math person i try to stick to logic. but i am also pregnant so that kind of goes out the window, too. aha
August 22, 2016 at 6:20 pmhaha! Thanks for sharing Roxy. 🙂 Yea! Intuition can be a great tool if we choose to listen to it!
August 22, 2016 at 6:52 pm