Healthy Living

Your Life Is Your Message

There’s a well-known Gandhi quote that says “My life is my message.” When I first heard this quote years ago I loved it so much I contemplated over getting it tattooed! Haha! (seriously) Those five simple yet profound words really struck me and made me think, what is my life’s message? The reason I make videos and write blog posts is because I believe part of my life’s message is to be a light and a source of positive information to others.

Take time to ask yourself what type of energy you are putting out into the world every single day.  What are you doing every day to make sure your message to the world is a positive one?

Above all else stay true to who you know you are. The worse thing a person can do is to live a life that was molded by the expectancy of others. We all know life is so short but I really believe that if we strive every single day to become the best version of ourselves and be a force for good, when we are no longer here our memory will be cherished by others.There’s a beautiful quote by the late author and poet Maya Angelou that says, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” How beautiful is that!? When you really think about it, the fact that on your last day here on earth, your loved ones won’t be talking about your accomplishments, your possessions,  or all the wealth that you had but they will think about what kind of person you were and how they felt when they were around you.

A few things we can all do to make sure we are sending out a positive message to the world are as follows:

  • Be kind to others (even if there not kind to you)
  • Show appreciation to everyone around you
  • Keep a positive attitude
  • Smile
  • Say “Please” and “Thank You
  • Become a good listener

The list can go on and on but these are a few simple things that came to mind as I asked myself, what actions taken on a consistent basis will create a positive message for those around you. When it comes to your life’s message there are a few things to think about. What do your actions say about you? What type of people do you surround yourself with (after all your friends are a reflection of you)? What type of message are you creating with your life? Is it one of peace, hope, love, kindness, and compassion? Make it one that feels right to you. No matter who you are and what you do your life’s message can inspire others.

The hours you have here on earth are the most valuable thing you will ever have. Let everything you do, say and have, be a positive message about how life should be lived.

Make sure it’s one filled with goodness.

Wishing you happiness, success, and a lifetime of bliss!

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  • Reply Jihane

    Love and Kindness are by far some of the strongest traits of humanity, unfortunately, in this fast paced world we have created, many forget about them!
    Thanks for sharing this inspiring post <3

    February 1, 2016 at 11:38 am
    • Reply admin

      Glad you enjoyed it Jihane! 🙂

      February 1, 2016 at 7:35 pm

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