We all have a few people that we admire on social media even if we’ve never met them before, right? I’ve been following Wesley Virgin, personal trainer and entrepreneur, for about 2 years now ever since we connected back in October of 2014 after attending my first ever Tony Robbins event. I love the passion he has towards life and how important giving back is to him. When I heard about the MIT (Millionaire In the Making) challenge he was having, I knew it was something that I wanted to do for myself.
Wesley went on to say how for years before gaining his current success, he would wake up each day and declare out loud his goals and dreams as if they had already come true. This is something I truly believe in because I believe God and The Universe really do respond with how we are feeling emotionally. If your day is filled with feelings of defeat and inadequacy probably who will continue to attract more of that. It’s time to start acting as if that dream life that you want so badly is already yours! We don’t have to wait until we’ve reached that goal in order to feel happy, we can choose to feel that way now.
I challenge you to start waking up in the morning and feel the gratitude you would feel if you already had reached all your goals in life. How would your mood be? How would you interact with others? What kind of day would you have?
Such a simple exercise can lead to powerful results. In the video I made I share with you all a few of my goals in life and I express them as if they’ve already come true. It was hard to film one part because I was overwhelmed with so much emotion when I shared something personal.
<3 Check it out! I hope it inspires you to DREAM BIG.
Wishing you love, success, and a lifetime of bliss!
Awesome idea Martha! Challenge accepted!!
November 16, 2016 at 8:50 am🙂 Yay! Speak it into existence!
November 16, 2016 at 11:03 am